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Showing posts from 2015

Readers Rejoice!

I'm going to share a little secret of mine. I'm super cheap. Okay, maybe not so much of a secret, but I hate spending money on things that I know isn't going to last. The biggest thing I hate spending money on is books. Don't get me wrong, I love reading and I devour books so fast that it pains me to spend money on something that I will only use for a week. I'm pretty big on supporting my local library. There's just something about going in and picking out what you are going to spend hours on. Maybe it's my own retail therapy, in a way. Although, I admit, I have two kindles that I am fairly fond of as well. Most libraries now are connected with a digital library, and you can borrow (FOR FREE!) whatever book your heart desires and it gets downloaded right to your kindle and auto returned when the loan is up.  So this is great news, though there are some fallbacks. Like, sometimes, you have to put your book on hold, or you have to make sure you are done readi...

Binge-watch Weekend Recommendation: Gilmore Girls

Happy Friday! It's almost the weekend. For some of you that may mean going out and spending zillions of your hard earned cash on going out. First, there's dinner, then drinks and that thing called socializing which now means getting together and staring at your phones on social media. Unless you're a hermit like myself. The weekends are for some serious Netflix binge-watching. It's not my fault, really. I mean, why would someone just give me access to every season of every awesome show ever for nine bucks a month? This has inspired a new weekly recommendation post. While I do jump back and forth from show to show, my current favorite is Gilmore Girls, thus beating out for the first spot. Source The damn thing has 4 and a half stars! The show is about a mother and daughter and their sometimes crazy, sometimes boring life and tendencies. It's set in a small Connecticut town, where absolutely no crime happens, everybody knows every other body, and no one has an...