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life hacks: cleaning edition

So, I recently undertook the project of painting my front door. I moved in a little over a year ago, and every time I came home, I would just groan, UGH. I need to do something about that. The door was a dark green with so many scratches on it I couldn't bear to look for more than a few seconds. Fast  forward to the present, and VOILA! A shiny new (looking) door. The only problem was that there was sticky residue from the tape that I had used to help with my lines. I couldn't get it off no matter how much windex I used. Then I found a neat-o trick that has thus inspired me to write on an ever-popular topic. Life Hacks. Here are a few that I have found useful and save me more time to hang out with my family, watch TV, whatever I want.

Clean sticky residue from tape off glass with canola oil.
I have only tried this with canola oil, but I have read up that it works with a lot of other oils, olive, essential, even cooking spray. I simply pour a bit on a paper towel and use a little elbow grease. Then, BAM. No more sticky tape gook.

Get rid of Grease Stains with Chalk
It's really no secret that I am not the *cleanest* eater. I have from time or two gotten grease on my clothes. Simple trick for getting out those stains? Chalk. It's super absorbent and will help lift it out.

Nail Polish on Carpet?
Sometimes my self pedicures don't go so well. I occasionally get polish on my carpet. I have tried everything, including cutting it out! The best solution I have found so far is rubbing alcohol. I let it soak in for a little bit before wiping away.

Pet Hair, everywhere.
With two dogs and one cat, all with fur, my house gets some serious pet hair. I find little tumbleweeds of it on my hardwood and its deep into my carpet. I have vacuumed my carpet vigorously and still gotten a whole bunch out with a squeegee. I don't even use my squeegee in the bathroom anymore now. It is specifically for cleaning the rug, the couch, chairs.

Straighten out your Hair straightener
I recently let a friend use a hair straightener. And of course, whenever someone is around, that is when you notice the gross hair product that has built up on it. How embarrassing. I used a steel wool pad on mine and it worked magnificently.

Old Fashioned Jewelry Cleaner
Since I wear rings everyday and I do a lot of hands on work, they get pretty dirty, pretty quick. I simply wipe them down with baking soda and a little bit of water. Then its shiny, good as new. I'm going to be honest and say that I use baking soda for everything I clean as well. It is a mild abrasive that gets the job done so much better than most other chemical cleaners. 


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