Lately, I have been obsessed with North Woods Law. For those that don't know, it is a show on Animal Planet about the game wardens in Maine. Now, I don't admit this to a lot of people, but I am from a northern Maine milltown,which really should be a whole other country on it's own. Here's me and my cousin back home: While watching the show, I've noticed no matter what area of the state, they all have a distinct accent. I've worked hard to get rid of it, but I'm plagued by it. I came across a really cool video on about a study of how people in different areas of the U.S. pronounce the same word. It shows a map on the left side and a picture of the object on the right side. Whenever, someone is talking, the map is lit up in the region that it is most spoken. It also gives you enough time to say it to yourself and see if it stands true. You can watch the VIDEO here.